

Car seat manufacturers or the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration issue recalls when they identify a car seat does not meet Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 213. A car seat recall can be initiated for concerns of crashworthiness, or may be related to labeling requirements, flammability of the padding, or for parts that may come loose and pose a choking hazard. Regardless of the reason, all recalls should be corrected to provide the best protection for the child.

Register car seats to ensure you will be notified about recalls. First, find the name of the manufacturer, car seat model number, and the date of manufacture labels affixed to the car seat. These are required car seat labels, and the information on these labels will be needed to complete the car seat registration. If the car seat is missing these labels, it should not be used. Car seats can be registered:

  • Online at the car seat manufacturer’s website, using the model number and manufacture date found on a sticker on the car seat.
  • By filling out the registration card that came with the car seat. The registration card has the car seat’s model number and manufacture date. Mail the card; no postage required.

Visit the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s website to check if a car seat has been recalled.

Download the current list of NHTSA car seat recalls arranged in alphabetical order by car seat manufacturer. Click here for the current list. (2/14/2025)

A listing of recent recalls is provided below.

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