School Bus Etiquette
These helpful tips will ensure a safe trip when you are at the bus stop waiting for the school bus, entering and exiting the school bus, and behavior while riding the school bus.
At the Bus Stop – Waiting for the Bus
- Younger children should be supervised at the bus stop.
- Arrive at the bus stop at least 5 minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive.
- Wear bright clothing and allow extra time to walk to the bus stop.
- Children who rush are particularly vulnerable, so make sure to get to the bus stop early.
- Shorten or remove drawstrings or straps that can catch on the bus rail from clothing and backpacks.
- At bus stops, children should wait in a safe place away from the road and the curb. Never sit on the roadway or curb while waiting for your bus.
- When waiting for the bus, stay away from traffic. Line up at least five giant steps away from the curb or the roadway to wait for the bus.
- Pay attention for the bus as it approaches the bus stop.
- Look for the flashing light system on the school bus.
- If you must cross the street, Look Left, then Right, then Left again and make eye contact with the driver before crossing. Cross in front of the bus at least 10 giant steps (10 feet) in front of the school bus. Never cross behind the school bus.
- If you drop something near the bus, do not pick it up; tell the bus driver and follow the bus driver’s instructions.

Getting On the School Bus
- Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop and the door is open before moving toward the school bus and boarding.
- When boarding the school bus, stay in a single file line.
- Use handrails when getting on the school bus and secure any loose or hanging objects, like backpack straps or drawstrings on clothing.
- Be careful that clothing with drawstrings and book bags with straps don’t get caught in the doors or handrail.
- Don’t push or crowd friends getting on the bus.
Being Safe While Riding the School Bus
- Listen to the bus driver and follow all directions given.
- Be courteous to the bus driver and other students.
- Find a seat and stay seated, facing forward, for the entire trip.
- Buckle up if seat belts are available.
- Keep legs and feet in front of you and never stick your arms or head out of the bus window.
- Keep the aisles clear of backpacks and books.
- Place backpacks and other items under the seat.
- Talk quietly. Do not distract the driver.
- Avoid loud or disruptive behavior while riding the school bus. The bus driver needs to be able to hear other vehicles on the road.
- Do not throw anything in the bus or out of a bus window.
- Stop talking and remain silent when the bus comes to a railroad crossing so the driver can hear if a train is approaching.
- Know where emergency exits are located and review evacuation procedures.
Exiting the Bus
- Wait in your seat until the school bus comes to a complete stop and the door is open before standing up to exit the school bus.
- When exiting the school bus, stay in a single file line.
- Use handrails when exiting the school bus. Secure any loose or hanging objects, like backpack straps or drawstrings on clothing.
- Be careful that clothing with drawstrings and book bags with straps don’t get caught in the doors or handrail.
- Don’t push or crowd friends getting off the bus.
- Keep away from the bus if you drop something. Never try to pick it up without telling the bus driver that you are going to get it.
- Stay out of the Danger Zone.
- Stay out of the 10-foot area around the school bus.
- Cross in front of the school bus. Stay at least ten giant steps (10 feet) away from the front of the school bus.
- Make eye contact with the bus driver to make sure that the driver sees you before stepping off the curb.
- Wait for the school bus driver’s signal before crossing in front of the bus.
- Remember to LOOK LEFT-LOOK RIGHT-LOOK LEFT again to see if there are passing vehicles that were hidden by the school bus. Wait until no cars are coming from either direction before crossing the street.
- DO NOT pick up anything that is dropped near or under the school bus. Tell the driver if you drop anything and wait for instructions.
- NEVER walk behind the school bus.
Website resources
- PennDOT Driver & Vehicle Services: School Bus Safety Activity Book
- NASDPTS: Lap/Shoulder Belts in School Buses – May 2020