Walking Safely Near Traffic – Keeping Children Safe

Children younger than 14 years of age are at risk of being involved in traffic related pedestrian crashes because of their size and cognitive ability. Whether it is a walk to school or the park, pedestrian survival skills are a must. Walking is a child’s first form of transportation. A child will walk long before he or she will ride a bicycle or even drive a vehicle.
Be Safe – Be Seen
- Wear bright colored clothing or fluorescent materials to make you more visible to others.
- When walking at night, wear reflective material or place reflective tape on your clothing and carry a flashlight.
- Be Predictable – Follow the rules of the road and obey signs and signals.
Pedestrians Must be Responsible in Traffic

- Always use sidewalks when available. If sidewalks are not available, walk facing traffic and off to the side of the road, out of the traffic lane.
- Always Look Left, Look Right, and Look Left again before crossing a driveway or road. Continue to look Left, Right, Left while crossing.
- Cross the street at a crosswalk or intersection. Look Left, Right, Left and over your shoulder before stepping into the roadway. Remember to look for vehicles that may be turning onto the street.
- Watch for vehicles exiting or entering a driveway. In parking lots, look for vehicles that are backing up.
- Avoid mid-block crossings. Drivers do not expect pedestrians to cross mid-block or between cars.
- Walk quickly, but do not run, while crossing the street.
- All traffic signs and signals must be obeyed.
- Make eye contact with vehicle drivers to make sure they see you. Do not assume the driver sees you because you see them.
- Stay alert when near moving vehicles. Do not get distracted by playing games or using electronic devices that take your eyes (and ears) off the road.